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Bienenprojekt in Bosnien und Herzegowina



Due to the extremely poor economic situation in our city (according to some unofficial estimates, about 60% of unemployment), as well as unemployment in our church community, Sylvia and Dario have started a beekeeping project.

Update from Zenica and Derventa

Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Hope you are all doing well and healthy. I’m hearing about situations in your countries (due to situation with Covid) and we are praying that God will protect you all. Also we are praying for you and your families, churches and ministries that nothing will stop you in fulfilling a will of God in your lives.

Concerning situation with Covid in Bosnia, we are still doing well. Country is not looked down and hope and pray it will not. We as family have had some small flu but praise the Lord it was not Covid.

Humanitarian help and Gospel to poor and sick in Derventa

Yesterday we have been in a city of Derventa and we have started (by the help of our friends from one Christian organization from England – TEN) to help poor and sick people there and we will help about 25-30 individuals/families. Yesterday we helped 7 individuals/families. Some of them are sick (having electric shockers in their bodies), some get mental illness, some very poor, etc.

One 3 member family had a car accident and a girl (12 year old) have a scars on her face. She will hopefully recover and since she plays soccer we will se also to help her with tracksuit.

Great thing is that president of the city assembly went with us. We have been able to witness about Jesus to all of those people and will visit them again but one great thing happened on the end. Earlier that morning we have both 10 packages of food. In our car we put 6 packages and in a car of that president (Mirko) we put 4. After we have done all with those 7 individuals/families we returned to a parking place and found that 4 packages was still remaining. So this guy from a city assembly was counting, we counted and how ever we counted there was one extra package. And I shared with Mirko about how things multiply with Jesus and I can’t explain to you how his face changed and I believe that sooner or later he and people in that town will give their lives to Jesus.

The land – apiary

Some parts of projects we started couldn’t be done. Unfortunately, due to hard weather conditions we postponed work on bees shelters and that will be done in early spring 2022. But as you know we have put fence behind bees, finished warehouse and now we put ceramic tiles in the honey extraction room.

Also with your precious gifts and supports we have been able to buy sugar grinder and machine to mix bee cake (winter food) but that will also help us to have ground sugar for spring and summer food for bees.


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Bund Pfingstlicher Freikirchen



„KeineSchuleMehr", 2. Stock

Landshaager Str. 6, 4113 St. Martin i.Mkr.

Email: peter(at)

Tel.: 0680 3127817

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Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechtes im Rahmen der FKÖ („Freikirchen in Österreich“ - gesetzlich anerkannte Kirche)


Adelheid  Haböck;

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