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Bienenprojekt in Bosnien und Herzegowina



Due to the extremely poor economic situation in our city (according to some unofficial estimates, about 60% unemployment), as well as unemployment in our church community, Sylvia and Dario have started a beekeeping project.

Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

The end of this year is near. We all had both good and bad things in 2022, but I believe that God has been with all of us in those situations and gave us strength so we could continue to walk with Him.

Hope you all are doing well and we pray that His mercy and grace will keep you in health and that you will be blessed for all you have done for Him and His kingdom.

Church facility

As you all know, we have started this October with raising funds to buy a church facility in Zenica. May be some of you still don’t know, but Zenica is about 95% Muslim town and we believe that God called us to be here and to expand His kingdom and preach message of salvation to people who live here. This project is made out of 3 steps. First step is to buy first facility (56 square meters) and next week we believe it will be done. Second step is to raise funds to buy second facility (same size as first one) and third step is to raise funds for full renovation.

First of all we would like to say thanks to all of you who prayed for us and who gave to this first facility. In January we will inform you more about other steps (second facility and renovation) and how much that will cost us.

Our family

I kindly ask you to have us, as family, in your prayers. Pray that we will have strength to continue to walk with Jesus, for our health, for our girls Rut and Debora and their future, for Debora’s marriage but also for our own place of living. For 27 years of our marriage and 26 years our our ministry, we have moved so many times and we believe it’s a time to have our own house. Anyone who would like to talk more about us on this issue, please be free to contact us by email, What’s app, Zoom etc.

Also, please, pray for our personal financial situation since in past period we lost some of our supports and we are little bit struggling now.

Apiary and ministry in Derventa

This year have been great. We had good weather conditions and bees have produced pretty much honey. We continued to work on apiary and land we have in Derventa (predominantly Orthodox population) but also we are doing mission work there and witnessing about Jesus the Saviour and our goal is to plant the church in that city. Please pray for this.

My “adventure” in Zagreb

I have been invited last weekend to visit our friends in Zagreb and church lead by pastor Mario Ducic. I had great time with him , his family and church and I preached on Sunday morning. But just before church service I had some light problem with my car that was solved by the help of two brothers. After lunch time I get back on a road to Bosnia but some 65 km (40 miles) from border my car broke down. By Mario’s help I get in touch with one pastor in Slavonski Brod (Croatia) and towing service took me to that town. Since car mechanic could not find parts to repair my car, our older daughter (Rut) organised towing service from Bosnia to come and take me back home.

I left my car at the mechanic in Zenica and they told me that actually the engine screws broke and engine fell on half-shaft (axel shaft). They said that I was so lucky because mostly in those situations axel shaft gets stuck in the wheels and the car overturns. Praise to the Lord that didn’t happen!


If any of you would like to give to our ministry in Zenica and Derventa please visit our page There you have all info how you can be part of our work in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Grace, peace, love and blessings,

Pastor Dario Kapin


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